Friday, January 30, 2009

Papel Picado - How to....

I have decorated the studio with the paper cutting art of Papal Picado. These colorful and cheap banners add a festive feel to an otherwise empty studio. As the students make art I will replace the decorations with their own work. The Papel Picado were hard to find in Melbourne, I sourced them from a shop called Market Imports in Armadale.
This is a fantastic shop with beautiful Mexican imports from clay to tin and fabric. I have also looked into making them and found some great you tube feeds. Jose A Chavez has the best I have come across


  1. Excellent post!!!I appreciate this type post.

  2. Love your post, you look like a teacher who appreciates and acknowledges the work of her students. You take their art not as a formality but as a victory, this is great for their self confidence in the future.
