Friday, January 30, 2009

Papel Picado - How to....

I have decorated the studio with the paper cutting art of Papal Picado. These colorful and cheap banners add a festive feel to an otherwise empty studio. As the students make art I will replace the decorations with their own work. The Papel Picado were hard to find in Melbourne, I sourced them from a shop called Market Imports in Armadale.
This is a fantastic shop with beautiful Mexican imports from clay to tin and fabric. I have also looked into making them and found some great you tube feeds. Jose A Chavez has the best I have come across

Art Room Rules - 4 R's of Respect

These 4 rules of Respect help me to keep my art studio at peace. As a class we discuss the four R's, deciding what they mean and what areas they cover. Students understand the Materials are the tools and medium we use to make art and the studio covers the furniture and all the fixtures of the studio. When a student breaks an 'R' I ask them to show me which 'R' was broken. We then have a small discussion about how it was broken and move on. I feel that these 4 R's of Respect cover all areas of the art studio. I keep this poster framed in my studio so it is always present.